sarge99's dream journal

taken from my personal flash drive

i should say that this journal is cleansed to an extent. i've redacted names and dates and they will be shown as "***". other than that it is unaltered
this journal is pasted from a .txt file in my personal flash drive

all annotations with [square brackets] were added during the cleansing process. all annotations with (round brackets idk what they're called) are added during initial writing
this page is quite personal bc, you know, it's my dreams. with all said, let us begin

*file begins here*

this isn't a comprehensive journal, it only contains all the logged dreams i've took the time to write down in the past. but i think it's good enough.
i'll include dates for the 5th logged dream and forward but no guarantees.
let us begin
-- "dream1.txt"
At grandparent's house on a snowy day. Have to learn how to do
everything, wherever it's walking, grabbing something, touching something,
anything. Many other people there aswell. I started uncontrollably
throwing-up tiny DanTDM minifigures. I then got guided to the garage by
someone else. There were two vans and a pedestal with a phone and another
phone both available to buy. One phone however, was used to install apps.
I bought both phones and installed the apps. I then got transported to a
small hotel with another completely different family. Watched TV, had snacks.
Left to another hotel room with my relatives this time. Watched more TV.
Had a couple more small dreams about school. THE END
-- "dream2.txt"
In my house with my relatives playing my Wii. Went outside to a baby murderer
chasing me (I think it was *** [my cousin]). Ran and woke up.
-- "dream3.txt"
At blacktop in school. Bell rings and we go in. Some people dissapear into thin air. I think about
the NaNoWriMo event and go to class. Everybody is gone except for *** (kid in one of my previous classes).
She is using Scratch 1.4.
I walk into what I thought would be class but was my kitchen. My parents were there talking. I went
to my room and used my foldable keyboard to type up my NaNoWriMo novel. My room's ceiling light burned
out and I asked my parents about it.
-- "feverdream1.txt" (not sure if the following fever dream happened before or after the previously logged dream.i think it happened after, but take note of that just in case)
Utter madness.

I'm at the wet rainy blacktop at school. I start going crazy. I run for my dad sitting at a bench,
but a mysterious force keeps me back; both an emotional, and physical force. I feel like I'm falling
into a void but I'm not at the same time.
night of ***: had a dream about making out with *** (someone I know from school) in my bathroom completely naked
I don't even like her romantically/sexually
i'm surprised my brain was able to properly render her body that well
[post dream months later addendum: *** is annoying as fuck i'm glad this will never be a reality. she's probably bi or smth anyway]
what the actual fuck. no pun intended
i know i enjoyed it, i'm sure we both did, probably lasted like 30 secs before cutting off to regular sleep or another dream
i have a hunch that i had a couple other dreams last night but idk the scenarios
it happened either around 8 o clock or around noon, i can't tell
to be honest i am not that attractive naked, so i don't even know how that happened in the first place
night of ***: i think i just had my first wet dream
i had a myriad of dreams but one stood out. i pretty much just jerked off to some r34 on my living room tv probably at like 8 pm
and it took like 2 seconds to orgasm somehow. it was the most intense in a while. i don't think i ejaculated irl but the orgasm felt half real i guess?
i'm still in nnn because the rules say wet dreams don't count 
i'm a little freaked out from the ongoing sexual dreams but i'm a teenage male what can i say
additionally, the ceiling lights were on and i think my parents were in their room
[post dream: i woke up at like 4 pm and i got a tune stuck in my head that i put into beepbox. i will put it into the flash drive this is on]
night of ***:
I went to a senior center ish building with my dad. It was a paneled gutter ish build( you know, the suburban house with the lines on the outside).
I went in and first thing there was a pool to my left with children who I guess didn't want to go to the senior center. I had my bathing suit on but
i continued with my dad into a hallway. As we started walking down a greeter greeted us and tried to tell us how good the senior center is by showing us
to our left a bunch of old people, mostly guys i think(?) riding stationary [they were moving though] exercise bicycles and playing piano at the same time.
We continued further and walked into a small room to our right. We sat down at a square table with an old lady who looked young but i could tell she was old,
maybe late 50s. She seemed unamused. She handed me a crudely copied fill in the blank paper asking me to write down all my grades this semester (all as, baby)
but the 3rd or 4th one asked me to draw the album cover of the weezer blue album. I drew it to the right but accidentally made one of them spongebob? I continued
on and as I was drawing Rivers Cuomo the dream cut off.

main things: senior center, pool, bicycle, piano, grades, weezer, spongebob
night of 1/12-13/2024 another sexual one

i was at a dress rehearsal for my musical when a cast member sent me a video of them revealing their boobs
behind their shirt i was only half flabbergasted for some reason(note that ***; also it didn't really look like their body, more like mine)
that is all i can remember clearly and i think i considered contacting them back but i changed my mind
i was also in a theater later it looked like a mix between the stage at a church i rehearse at [i'm not
religious it was what was available i guess] and my middle school theater [i think it was another dress rehearsal]
ALSO: i had a dream a while ago where i was performing the first music number of the show at kimmel cultural
campus in philly it looked similar to this theater i was in in the dream later

main things/key words: boobs, kimmel cultural campus, smartphone, dress rehearsal, video, musical, middle
school theater